For sure! Supply availablity and all the amazing tutorials out there. Even just high quality images of other people’s work that has pushed the envelope of what is possible. ❤️
I’m an artist (models and tack) and a collector and I’ve dabbled in pretty much all the things model-horse.
For sure! Supply availablity and all the amazing tutorials out there. Even just high quality images of other people’s work that has pushed the envelope of what is possible. ❤️
What a cool collection you have there! Thanks for sharing!
I have a DAH mule on the way, my first Stone in maybe two decades. Really looking forward it!
Thanks for posting these, Anna! It’s so great to see the sizes next to each other, and of course for any kind of tack or accessories it makes an enormous difference in this size range if they are not exactly the scale you expect. For just halter/liberty, it doesn’t matter so much.
Another batch of bodies
Left to right: Rachel Alexandra, SM loping stock horse, Morgen Kllbourn Ranch Mare
Tossing in a few of my bodies, not quite so methodically arranged…
Back row, left to right: Rachel Alexandra, Dafydd, Safari Morgan
Front row, left to right: Breyer “Phineas” (Prince Charming), SM Dafydd, Venti Merry
I think my victim this year is going to be a stablemate MFT with resculpted tail and ears. But, shockingly, I have multiple bodies in primer so the luxury of choice. We’ll see!
That’s the great part, right? All these new molds that we get, first in Premier Club, then as Breyerfest Special Runs, and then in the regular run line. You can decide which price point, paint job, and timeline that works.
This year they actually have the new welsh cob coming out in the regular run line a year earlier than usual, as Riptide the Chincoteague pony. That’s a nice surprise. I think he’s going to be super fun to paint.
I am super impressed by all the innovations coming out of Stone after only one year under Erin’s leadership. Amazing art, much better distribution, and seems like we’re going to have fabulous new scupltures. It was especially exciting to see that we have multiple prominent hobby artists as investor/owners of the new Stone.
They had to rethink Design-A-Horse because the servers were unable to handle the load of people swarming to make their choices. I’m super interested to see how this ‘concierge’ plan works out, where you bought the body and then they contact you separately to get the color. I know that they know more than I do, for example, about what colors work well with gloss and the like, and I think that having guidance and a chance to actually have a little back and forth rather than frantically mashing buttons to submit your order in time seems likely to create more satisfaction for everyone.
This year they actually announced all the Premier Club before it closed, and they got me right at the end with the additional pictures of all the options. It’s exciting to see the grey/chestnut spilt on the Mule (though I like the chestnut!) and how intriguing is it that the Rowan is actually two molds - one that is a hairy Highland pony stallion, and the other a much more svelte Riding Pony mare, braided up. I just love Sarah’s Murgese in that very cool dappled black, too.
We already had to submit our choices, and I chose Hairy and Matte for mine. What did y’all choose?
All the Stablemate Club and Premier Club items are announced! There’s some lovely paintwork coming in the Stablemate club, that new pegasus will be awesome, and ooh la la that SMB Murgese!
All the Premier Club horses are so nice but I am trying to resist…
I also really love the lights! And the signs and the weathering are super nice too.
That is very spiff! I love all the details.
I’m really excited to get Lesli’s Appaloosa book!
Hi Sarah! Welcome! I love that picture - the equines are wonderful and the cats are chef’s kiss.
Julia Turner with Stone Mini champions
I didn’t get to see the Stone Mini division in all its glory while judging the large ones, but my goodness there are so many really good tiny ones out there! The pebbles mule is just so delightful and there’s so much energy in both the repositioning and all the creative finishwork out there.
This is the meta thread to tell me what you’re thinking and how it’s working.
As far as rules, I need to pull some together, but basically play nice, and please only upload images that you own.
Ooh, the paint pots look great! I had a similar system that came from harbor freight but the little inner compartments don’t have a tight enough fit even for trad size buckles, let alone these tinies.
My Stone Breed championship group!
Breed overall champion, a glossy dapple grey factory custom Stone Drafter owned by Kristen Arendt
Breed overall reserve, a glossy dapple buckskin paint Stone Ideal Quarter Horse owned by Nicole Martinez
Some nifty closeups:
Close up of the face on the Reserve, a glossy dapple buckskin paint Stone Ideal Quarter Horse. Look at the detail in that blue eye! Just exquisite.
I also really loved this palomino Morgan. Check out those wonderful nose wrinkles!
Exciting news from Stone that they are now sponsoring a prize drawing for anyone painting a Stone body.