Back in the day, we were lucky to get one new Breyer sculpt a year. Now we are guaranteed at least three new Traditionals through the Premier Club and then all the wonderful new minis that are coming out as well.

I love my buttermilk welsh cob by Eva Rossiter that is galloping across my table right next to me! So much action and presence! Young me was always annoyed at how few models were in action poses, and that is no longer an problem in the Breyer line.

I’m looking forward to getting the new SMB mini drafter this year but also I am THRILLED TO DEATH that we are getting a shrinky plastic Zara next year, not just a shrink Proud Arabian Mare but a shrink of the true original in high fidelity.

I am one of the few who doesn’t really love buying models sight unseen but it’s wonderful to have these very high quality pieces so accessible.

What are you excited about, for December and for next year?

  • elaineOPMA
    2 months ago

    This year they actually announced all the Premier Club before it closed, and they got me right at the end with the additional pictures of all the options. It’s exciting to see the grey/chestnut spilt on the Mule (though I like the chestnut!) and how intriguing is it that the Rowan is actually two molds - one that is a hairy Highland pony stallion, and the other a much more svelte Riding Pony mare, braided up. I just love Sarah’s Murgese in that very cool dappled black, too.

    We already had to submit our choices, and I chose Hairy and Matte for mine. What did y’all choose?

  • Pixelperfectstables
    2 months ago

    I’ve been in the SMC since the beginning, and this upcoming year looks like it will not disappoint! Tiny Zara? Awesome! New Tiny Othello? Fabulous! (Even though he is very similar to Churchill so that impacts my thoughts on him being included in a Best of BF SM set anytime soon.) G1 Silky? Love seeing him come back! G3 Paso? Love that he’s the finish split, though I don’t have a preference and will be happy with either one. G3 TWH? This is such a nice pattern! G4 QH? Oddly enough the gambler is my least favorite mold-wise, but there are some nice colors and I will be happy with one of them to keep my SMC collection complete. Darwin as a Pegasus? Incredible! I am really happy to see a Pegasus with molded on wings (a first for Breyer in any scale).

    I also joined the DCC again, it’s another one I’ve always chosen since it’s been available. I did think about buying another membership briefly to get a second of the 4 Deco Mustang colors, but without a Gambler SMC mold that I conga and not being in the other more expensive clubs it didn’t make sense.

    I seriously thought about the PC - so far I’ve only joined in 2023. Even considering all of the reveals, which I think is awesome, and I do like the models especially the mule, I decided I was more scared of the unknown VC which I don’t have first hand access to, BreyerFest, and other unknowns like web specials - I decided to pass. (The prospect of Hamilton wearing the 4 Deco colors does not seem like an impossibility to me, in particular for the VC…and runs of 250 secondhand threaten to take a lot of my annual budget. Being a conga mold I’d prioritize him over other things.)

  • Mudpony
    3 months ago

    I just ordered my Augustus from the SMC. I’m looking forward to next year’s SMC as well… can’t afford the Premier club. Though I do look forward to the day that mule becomes regular run. :)

    • elaineOPMA
      2 months ago

      That’s the great part, right? All these new molds that we get, first in Premier Club, then as Breyerfest Special Runs, and then in the regular run line. You can decide which price point, paint job, and timeline that works.

      This year they actually have the new welsh cob coming out in the regular run line a year earlier than usual, as Riptide the Chincoteague pony. That’s a nice surprise. I think he’s going to be super fun to paint.

  • Merawill
    3 months ago

    The Clubs just get better every year, I swear.

    I’m currently only in for the Deluxe CC (need those mini semi-rearing mustangs!) and the SM Club, but the Premier Club mule is mighty tempting. That mini Zara is to die for, and I’m REALLY curious about this new “groundbreaking” fantasy model for the SM Club.

    I love that, with the SM Club, at least, we generally see everything ahead of time, so people know in advance if the subscription is worth it to them in a given year. I just wish we had crossover access to the SMs in the Premier and Vintage Clubs! 😄

  • elaineOPMA
    2 months ago

    All the Stablemate Club and Premier Club items are announced! There’s some lovely paintwork coming in the Stablemate club, that new pegasus will be awesome, and ooh la la that SMB Murgese!

    All the Premier Club horses are so nice but I am trying to resist…