February is National Model Painting Month, an amazing event started by Jennifer Buxton.

It’s not a competition. It’s just a month-long painting party.

Anyone and everyone can do it. All you need is some sort of 3D model horse in any scale and some kind of paint or pigment or colorant. It doesn’t need to be realistic. The only rules are you can’t start until February 1 and you must finish by midnight February 28 (but your choice of time zone).

Experts do it, beginners, first timers, and it’s so supportive with people helping out with tutorials and tips and troubleshooting. I’ve often used it to try some new medium or color or technique and I like that it forces me to finish the piece, because I’m bad at finishing things.

So it’s time to choose your model and get it prepped! What are you going to paint this year?

  • elaineOPMA
    30 days ago

    I think my victim this year is going to be a stablemate MFT with resculpted tail and ears. But, shockingly, I have multiple bodies in primer so the luxury of choice. We’ll see!