I live in the relative middle of no where when it comes to the model horse hobby (Montana). I have to drive many hours to get to any show: the closest show I’ve done was just two hours away and the farthest was ten to eleven hours away (when I lived in way eastern Montana and the show was way western Montana). As it is, the majority of shows I’ve done are a five to seven hour drive.
SO, all of that to say, that I greatly prefer if a show is only around $50, as I will have at least two or three tanks of gas, plus two nights in a hotel, and multiple meals out. However, many of the shows have started moving up to $60-75. I get it, halls aren’t cheap. However, hotels DEFINITELY are no longer cheap, so even if there are shows in my “general vicinity” (ha, ha) I might not be able to swing all of them. Which also makes me sad, as I WANT to support any show in this area, in hopes that people will keep hosting them!
Very much your last point. My local hobby friends and I kept going to this one show with often questionable judging, etc., because we all were going to be there. So it became a kind of a horsey, girls’ weekend not, overly close to any of us. 😆