Prices for so many things have gone up. No one gets rich holding a live show - at best, a show will pay its expenses and we’re really impressed if a show can raise a modest amount of money for a charity.

Halls are getting more expensive both in raw and total cost. Showholders take a risk that they will sink significant amounts of money in on top of the many hours of work.

When I am budgeting a show, I’m looking at total estimated cost, which includes travel, hotel, rental car, and transport which well dwarf the entry fees on even the most local show I attend. (Gas alone is more than my entry fee to the nearest show to me.) At times, I also consider if there’s a possibility for sales (or judging perks) to offset those costs.

Do you consider the total cost when you’re planning? Will you attend a more expensive show if for example a more expensive hall makes your other travel expenses more affordable?

  • elaineOPMA
    5 months ago

    Knowing your friends will gather there is maybe the ultimate! And that’s where having a location that’s got at least some elements of a sweet spot, convenient to get to, pleasant meal options, nice surroundings, all of that helps make it a place friends gather.

    South Coast Classic held several events at the Los Angeles Arboretum back in the day. That was such a lovely place to gather, personally convenient for me because I lived nearby, but also the light and surroundings meant I always had the best day there, even took some outside photographs in between classes.