Recently there have been a couple of interesting discussions around declaring color when photo showing models. In one case a judge claimed that a shower couldn’t declare a color on an OF plastic model other than what Breyer had declared; in another the judge insisted that a Fjord color designation had to use the Fjord registry specific terms (and curiously, the English translation of those terms, not the original Norwegian).

So here are my questions for discussion:

  1. Should we require color next to breed and gender at all? And if so, how specific should that color be? (IE: “chestnut” or “flaxen chestnut sabino rabicano”?)

  2. Does it matter to you if a shower chooses a different label for a model’s color than the manufacturer or original artist did?

  3. Does it matter to you if the color matches the label that the registry would apply/require? (Chestnut vs sorrel, grulla vs grey dun or grå)

  • elaineOPMA
    6 months ago

    If I write “Chestnut” is that enough? (Alt: Cantering pony with rider, chestnut, but also sabino and rabicano).